June 11, 2012

Settling In...For Now

Well I think I'm finally starting to totally settle in.  I'm getting to have a routine and everything.  Granted that routine doesn't include a whole heck of a lot but oh well!  I spend about an hour or two a day looking for jobs (I think this is the most depressing part of the day as there just aren't many jobs here) then I spend some time looking up new recipes, then I pick a project or errand for the day.  I know-my schedule is riveting :)  I am thankfully still volunteering at Gilda's Club about once a week.  Since the Development Director there is the only friend I've made (granted she's older than my mother and the mother of a teenage daughter herself) I'm happy to help out there.  I'm sure I'll have an adjustment period and set up a whole new routine when I get a job.  I really am looking forward to having to make that adjustment.

Matt and I are settling into a routine of our own as well.  Matt gets to have all the fun and go off to work during the day :)  Then when he gets home we make dinner and go for a walk.  We're getting pretty good at trying different recipes-maybe one or two a week.  Then we either read or do some work around the house.  The weekends have been great.  I love having two days of pretty much constant company- it's great having someone to talk to all day!  This weekend we went out on Matt's parent's boat with some of his family.  It was really nice.  The weather has been uncomfortably warm here lately.  I keep asking Matt if this is normal-I can't handle a summer of high 80's to 90's.  So the boat trip was a nice way to stay cool.

I'm starting to feel more at home here.  I've even managed to find multiple ways to get to the grocery store without using my gps at all!  I was quite proud of myself that day.  I think the other thing, besides just learning the lay of the land, that has helped me feel more at home is Matt and I have become a bit more dependent on one another.  I think we're both people that pride ourselves on being self sufficient so this is a big thing for us.  We've learned to communicate better on all issues big and small and we're just getting better at understanding what we each need and want to feel at home.  It's been a welcome and continual lesson from this move and one I wasn't really anticipating.  Just goes to show that there really is always room for improvement-even when you don't think things need it.

I'm also feeling more upbeat because I have family visiting next weekend!  My sister and grandmother will be coming to stay for about a week.  Then it's not too long until we head back to Wisconsin for a long 4th of July weekend.  It'll be so nice to see family again.  I never went home a ton when I lived in Madison but I think just having the option to be home in 4 hours was comforting.  It's like I lost that safety blanket when I moved.  But I guess, we all lose our safety blankets at some point.  I'm just happy I had great friends and family around me to make the transition easier.

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