June 30, 2012


I got a job offer this week!!! Yay!  I've accepted the offer from a large hospital organization in a nearby town to be there Foundation/Development Specialist.  I'll be working at the hospital foundation with two other women (its a very small shop as far as development offices).  It's very much (well almost exactly really) like a job I was trying to get in Madison.  My start date will be July 9th-3 months to the day from Matt's first day :)  I will be working for a woman I met through AFP.  She's a mentor in the mentor program I joined and I just happened to sit next to her at the very first meeting.  I think I picked a fantastic seat at that first mentor program meeting-I sat between Debbie, the Gilda's Development Director and Elsa, my new boss.  I think this job will be a great way to learn a lot more about development fundamentals and I think I'll really like the ladies I work with.  It will definitely be a bit of an adjustment-heading back to work after 3 months of just hanging out :)  It is kind of crazy how quickly those three months went.  I feel like I did a pretty good job of keeping busy though.

Anyway-just wanted to update everyone on the good news!  I hope you're all having a great weekend!