As promised-here are some pictures of what I've been up to. Not huge changes but time consuming none the less!
You can't tell...but there are cute little pink/salmon colored impatients planted all along the front flower bed and I put in a hydrangea bush on the left. |
We have little baby grass! We killed all the weeds and are hoping to have a decent grass filled lawn soon! |
Sadly they haven't torn down the terrible old gazebo thing. I'm hoping that happens very soon. It'll seem so much more open without that thing! Oh-those are my herbs (and a couple veggies) in the cage in front! Something destroyed our broccoli so we had to put up chicken wire. |
All of the brown is grass seed and fertilizer. This was planted a bit later so hopefully we'll have baby grass back here in another week or so. |
Inside (only half of the upstairs....we need to do a few more things before I post the rest):
As you walk in the door. |
Living Room Before |
Living Room After. View from the kitchen doorway |
Dining Area Before |
Dining Area After |
I love our new couches. So much better than the ones we left in Madison. Plus you get cute matching pillows! :) |
Very Pink Bathroom Before |
Our Still Very Pink Bathroom After. I've tried to tone down the pink. A major part of that was to get a basic shower curtain to hide the majority of the pink tile. |
I found a nice non-pink shower curtain! |
Considering this is how it looked when all of our stuff was delivered-I'm pretty happy with the progress (this was only about 75% of the boxes)!
I'll try and get pictures of the rest of the upstairs this week.
I'm off to the garden store. The squirrels/gophers/chipmunks have discovered our tasty tomato plants! Hopefully they have some good repellent stuff at the store!
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