September 12, 2012

A Mixed Few Weeks

Well the good news is-it hasn't been a month since my last post!  I say that's a positive.  

Other positives in the last few weeks: Matt and I got engaged!  So that's pretty exciting (and oddly stressful already).  We're both looking forward to planning the wedding together and obviously about getting married.  Even more positives-we've finished more projects!  I think I've created a craft project monster.  Matt actually asked for more craft projects the other weekend.  I thought I was in the twilight zone :)  I'm really pretty happy about that.  It's nice to have someone to work on things with you.  So here are a couple of pictures of what we did.  Nothing super challenging or exciting but still fun.

 First, here's the completed picture frame project from the last post:

The picture frame idea was from Pinterest as was how we hung them.  I beg you-if you're ever going to hang multiple pictures use this technique:  First we cut wax paper in the same shapes and sizes as the picture frames.  Then I marked on each sheet of wax paper where the nail hole was for the frame.  We played around with the wax paper sheets until we found an arrangement we liked (and that we wouldn't be nailing into electrical wires to hang up!).  So simple.  No extra nail holes to try and fill in or anything.  It was great.

This next one was a new project (and yes, it was from Pinterest too).  This one is a little different than the original idea I found (smaller and less ornate).  We just used a simple picture frame (spray painted it white), cut out some cardboard to fit, adhered burlap and the painted letter (that we painted and then roughed up to age a bit).  It was a couple of steps but really fun.  We're planning on giving this to some friends as a wedding/housewarming gift.

Now for the not so good news: I lost my job on Monday.  Very not good news given that we're trying to plan a wedding now.  I was given a kind of b.s. reason for getting fired (that I wouldn't continually work extra hours because that's not what I was contracted for) but I have a feeling the real reason is I challenged my boss' lack of ethics.  Apparently that is a no-no.  In all honesty I really didn't like that job and I didn't like the environment/culture.  But, I did like having a job (and a paycheck).  As for my boss, she got some instant karma in that my co-worker (the only other person besides the boss who worked there) put in her 2 weeks notice immediately after I was fired.  Her loss on both accounts in my opinion.  So now I'm back to the job hunt.  I've got some interviews set up for retail part time positions just to keep some extra income coming in.  I'm hoping something will break quickly so I can get back to work.  I'm to the point of trying to be optimistic about everything but it certainly is hard.  At least I am better off as far as connections in the area than I was when we moved here 5 months ago.  Hopefully this will all work out quickly.

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