I could easily come up with reasons (read as "excuses") for my lack of photography time and yet none of them seem valid enough. I'm busy, I'm exhausted, I'm stressed, I've got errands to run....the reasons just keep on coming and even as I write them I find them to be pathetic. All of the reasons that I don't take photos are the same reasons that I need to take photos. I'm busy and stressed and exhausted and going to focus on a beautiful flower or an amazing landscape would surely help with the exhaustion and stress. And yet, I just can't do it sometimes. Perhaps its one of those "absence makes the heart grow fonder" situations; at least that is what I'm telling myself.
So last weekend I went to one of my favorite Madison spots-the Arboretum. I love the Arb and there is no shortage of great photo ops. Below are a couple of the photos I took. Not necessarily my best-but I don't think they're too bad for the first time out in quite a while. I am certainly hoping to get back to my desired routine of a photo trip/task each week. We'll see how it goes!